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How I healed myself with Yoga, Pranayama, Nutrition & Nature

By: Erica       06/07/2019

One of the most exciting things for me is to meet people that take full responsibility on their lives. There is so much significance to the choices we make on the quality of our lives.

The frequency that enters our life is compound from many factors:

馃敼The food that we eat.
馃敼 Contents that we absorb聽 (books/ movies/ people & ct.) – any content that is subscribed as information in our consciousness.
馃敼 The environment that we live in聽(green full with air or condense聽full聽with concrete…).

This frequency will eventually influence on the energy of our life- lets call it prana (energy in Sanskrit). The prana flows everywhere and contains everything. Many years ago I healed myself with the help of that prana馃挮馃挮

馃敼I chose to eat food that the prana flows in it and to clean myself from food that blocks it.
馃敼I chose to practice meditation and pranayama and consciously let the energy of life flow through me, using breath and presence.
馃敼I chose to live close to nature and surround myself with green.
馃敼I chose to make a change in my life!

Today I have the聽privilege聽helping聽others to make this change in their lives

Once a year I do two weeks of detox馃崑馃崗


Well, because nutrition is an inseparable part of our practice. The food that we eat builds us from the inside out and it has a direct influence on our physical, mental, emotional, energetic & spiritual state.

It wasn't for nothing that Hippocrates said: "Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food".

Everything in our world works according to personal & direct experience of each and every one of us. As I told you before, many years ago I healed myself with the help of yoga and nutrition.

I want to share my story with you. I hope it will give you the push to make this change in your life as well馃檹

About 7 years ago I started to feel pain in my right hip joint (something very commun with dancers…). The doctors really pushed me to do a very invasive testing (they wanted to inject some substance into my hip joint and after MRI) I really didn't want to do it. I had a bad feeling about it. But聽finally聽I was convinced…

The doctors forgot a little detail – to check whether I was sensitive to the substance they were about to inject directly to my hip joint馃槺

You can probably guess what was the result of all this event馃憥

So – yes, apparently I was sensitive to the substance. The final result – severe infection of my hip joint as a result of allergy to the injected substance.

I will give you a short brief of what followed.

The moment my hip joint was infected I found myself taken to emergency care, surrounded by聽worried doctors that push morphine to my body so that I could relax a little bit from the immense pain I was experiencing馃槩

I was told that I could never dance again. The only good news I received is that I will have a long rehabilitation and maybe after I will be able to walk normally again.

After spending a whole week lying down on the sofa with no ability to move (I couldn't even Crawl to the toilet 馃檴!!) I told myself that there is no way that THIS is the scenario!! I am the creator of my life therefore I'm the one creating the situation. If I led myself to this situation I can definitely lead myself out of it !!!

I decided to give a fight and get over it, whatever it takes 馃挭馃挭馃挭

A good friend of mine brought me the book: "The golden path to Natural Healing" by Sara Hamo. The whole chain of cosmic coincidences that made this book come to me is truly super interesting 馃挮馃挮 But that's another story for another time鈽猴笍

I red the book. Full of inspiration, motivation & courage I throwed all the pain killers that I had to the garbage!!! I started a very intensive detox cleanse. Together with my new聽nutrition聽I was practicing meditation and pranayama.

In the eyes of my聽spirit聽I saw myself healing, walking, dancing… I saw myself healthy馃挏

After a week through my new path I managed to put myself on my legs (!!!) with the help of crutches. I remind you that only a week before I couldn't even crawl馃檴馃檴馃檴

When I already managed to walk with the crutches (very slowly at the beginning) I signed up for a meeting with a Kingston (natural healing method) expert. She guided me to the next level of my detox and supported me through it all.

I was fully into it. Full dedication. In yoga we call it Bhakti- devotion. I was dedicated to my new path馃専

Slowly slowly I started practicing. At the beginning I did the same exercises that I used to give my students when they had pain- mostly Pilates for rehabilitation. I was afraid to move at first but then I told myself that there is no way that the cobbler's child has no shoes…. If those exercises helped my students, they will聽surly聽help me (their trainer…) too馃檭

In two weeks I could already walk without the crutches!! I slowly started my yoga practice again. Very gently at the beginning – mostly restorative yoga.

After one month I took my first ballet class since the injury馃拑馃拑 Just the bare work at the beginning

After two months I could do a full ballet class- bare, center and jumps!!! I also returned to my full Ashtanga series routine.

After three months I was already auditioning to a ballet production馃専馃専

So now you tell me: Does our health has something to do with nutrition???

You should know the answer by now馃檭

As for today I can tell you that this injury came as a present to me. I'm serious. It forced me to stop and make a positive change in my life.

If you also want to make a change in your life and go through a deep process of natural healing – I will be more then happy to help you.

The spring time is ideal for that. You are most welcome to take a consultation with me. It can be in the studio or online.

If you are interested then please leave me your details in the contact form and I will get back to you鈽猴笍

I wish us all a healthy, tasty and most pleasant聽spring time馃尶馃尲馃尭

Much love


